Photo Gallery - 2                          The Tempest  1988

Suzanne Bonin, Julia Hall
                                                   Iris, Ceres

Glenda Cooper, Lance Robinson, Patricia McDonough
                                 Miranda, Prospero, Ariel

Iain Pelling, Patricia McDonough, Lance Robinson, Glenda Cooper
                      Ferdinand, Ariel, Prospero and Miranda

Lance Robinson and Glenda Cooper
                                          Prospero and Miranda

Suzanne Bonin and Julia Hall
                                            Iris, Ceres

Patricia McDonough, Glenda Cooper and spirits
                              Ariel, Miranda and spirits

David Oliver, Derek Williams, Les Woollen, Patricia McDonough
                             Antonio, Alonso, Adrian and Ariel

Patricia McDonough, Lance Robinson and spirits
                               Ariel, Prospero and spirits

Iain Pelling, Patricia McDonough
                                          Ferdinand and Ariel
Iain Pelling, Patricia McDonough

Tim Downes, Lance Robinson
                                        Caliban and Prospero